CMS BUILDER BLOCK – Extension Block Elements


  • On CMS Builder, click Add New Block button.
  • On popup list blocks, click “Lookbook” item.


Lookbook Config Tab

If you haven’t got any lookbook yet, an announcement will be shown like this:

Please follow the instruction we have provided.

By contrast, if you have got lookbook(s) created, a list of available items will be shown as follow:

You can choose any lookbook you want to show, and then click Submit button to save your change.


  • On CMS Builder, click Add New Block button.
  • On popup list blocks, click “Lookbook Builder” item.


Slider Config Tab

If you haven’t got any lookbook slider yet, an annoucement will be shown like this:

Please follow the instruction we have provided.

By contrast, if you have got lookbook slider(s) created, a list of available items will be shown as follow:

You can choose any lookbook slider you want to show, and then click Submit button to save your change.


IMPORTANT: you have to creat the blog item in admin first:

  • Go to admin MGS -> Manage Posts then create your posts

To create a new Latest Post block, click Add New Block then select Latest Post

In Post Config:

  1. Filter by Category: You can choose the categories you want your post to be filtered by.
  2. Number of posts: Limit the number of posts to be displayed.
  3. Item per row: Limit the number of posts to be displayed in a row.
  4. View mode: Choose between Grid or List for the layout for your posts.
  5. Hide Thumbnail: Choose Yes to disappear the thumbnail image of the post.
  6. Hide Short Description: Choose Yes to disappear the short description of the post.
  7. Summary Character Count: Limit the number of letters to summary the post.
  8. Hide Create by and Create at : Choose Yes to disappear the created date time and author’s name of the post.
  9. Use Slider: Choose Yes to display posts in a slider.


  • On CMS Builder, click Add New Block button.
  • On popup list blocks, click “Portfolio” item.


Portfolio Config Tab

  • Filter by Category: You can choose the categories you want your portfolio to be filtered by.
  • Number of portfolio: Limit the number of portfolios to be displayed.
  • Item per row: Limit the number of portfolios to be displayed in a row.
  • Hide Categories: Choose Yes to disappear the categories.
  • Use Slider: Choose Yes to display portfolios in a slider.


  • On CMS Builder, click Add New Block button.
  • On popup list blocks, click “Testimonial” item.


Testimonial Config Tab

Here you can set the number of testimonials to display. Or, click Yes in Use Slider field to show testimonials in a slide.

View Config Tab

Here you can customize your testimonial item as the way you want, and you can see the result right below. Just experience our features!