Remember to install and activate Riven Shortcodes plugin.
- Please go in Appearance > Install Plugins on admin sidebar.
- You should select and install Riven shortcodes.
- You should activate this plugin.
In order to add shortcodes using visual composer, you should enable visual composer editor and select the element you want to add. If you click the following button, will be show the popup.

There are several content elements for you to choose. Specifically, Riven enable user to use Utimate VC Addons with several effective shortcodes.
– Screenshot of all elements in Riven

– Screenshot of available shortcodes in Utimate VC addons

– Riven shortcodes
In total, Riven provides 17 effective shortcodes for you. Besides some general settings for extra class, each shortcodes will contain their own options. Below will list detaily all available choices of each shortcodes.