
Use Loco Translate

Please read Loco translate installation

Translate theme

  1. Install and activate the plugin Loco Translate
  2. Go to Loco Translate > Theme. Select Foodfarm theme.
  3. Click the “+ New language” button.
  4. Select The language you want the texts to be translated and continue.
  5. On next screen all the “English text strings” that are inside the theme will be listed. Select text string from the “Source Text” list and then Add your translated text in the textarea below.
  6. Click the Save button.

Translate plugins

  1. Install and activate the plugin Loco Translate
  2. Go to Loco Translate > Plugins. Select plugin you want to translate such as Foodfarm Shortcodes.
  3. Select Advanced tab and set up as follow screenshot
  4. After that, click Create template in Overview tab to create translation pot file for plugin.In the lastest version of Foodfarm shortcode, the pot file is availble so you can skip this step.
  5. Click the “+ New language” button in Overview tab to start translate text.
  6. Select The language you want the texts to be translated and continue.
  7. On next screen all the “English text strings” that are inside the theme will be listed. Select text string from the “Source Text” list and then Add your translated text in the textarea below.
  8. Click the Save button.

NOTE: You need to set your language in Settings > General to display translated text in frontpage


WPML is the most popular plugin for multi language support. Below you will find documentation their team created for using WPML plugin. If you’ve purchased WPML and have any questions or issues, please check the links below.

  • WPML Plugin – The highly recommended plugin to manage multi-lingual sites
  • WPML Forum Support – If you bought WPML then you get free support from their amazing team
  • Translating Widgets – Tutorial recommended by wpml team for translating widgets

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