Create A New Category Product Tab Block

If you imported a demo homepage, you only need to enable the builder and edit it

If you want to create a new Category Products Block, click Add New Block then select Category Products Block

In Product Config tab:

  1. Set the number of products
  2. The number of products per row on the Desktop
  3. The number of products per row on the Tablet
  4. The number of products per row on the Mobile
  5. We have some view modes, you can change them and select that you like

In Category Config tab:

  1. Tick the categories you want to show their products
  2. Select to use Category Tabs or not, when you enable Use Category Tabs, you will have some more options to adjust the titles, try them and see the changes on the preview

Last step: fresh Magento Cache and connect to ssh navigate to magento root and run reindex data: php bin/magento indexer:reindex