Collection page

  1. Create Collection page

Go to Admin dashboard >> Product >> Collections >> Create Collection

Enter information for the collection, then click Save:

2. Edit settings of collection page

Go to Customize >> Collection >> Choose type Collection you want edit:

Within Settings Collection, you can config:

  • General: choose width layout.
  • Product grid: Column number product, Products per page, Category font size scale.
  • Description: Show description, Description max height, Text view more, Text view less.
  • Product card: Product item layout, Item direction.
  • Filtering and sorting: Customize filters, Desktop filter layout.
  • Collections side bar: choose your collection to display.
  • Price filter type:


Price range:

  • Price range configuration(Only for price type is price range).
  • Enable apply price button. Only for price type is price slider
  • Pagination:

Pagination type:

  • Sidebar banner: Show sidebar banner, Image banner, Title content, Description content, Title collection, Product list.
  • Section padding
  • Theme settings