Detail product

Go to Product >> Default Product

To config Default Product, scroll to Template and config it.

  1. Product Information

Within Product Information, you can config:

  • Width layout: we have Container, Small Container, Large Container and Full width
  • Image display type:

None thumb:

Thumb vertical:

Thumb horizintal:

Two columns:

One column:

  • Hover inner zoom image: Does not apply to one column and two columns
  • Use the spacing option with the block below (Product review app block). If this option is not used, the spacing will be set to the default value.
  • Show sidebar: Hidden, Box action, Sidebar. If you choose Sidebar, you will see it like this:

You can config Tittle Feature Product, choose list feature …..
Also, you still can config:

  • Tittle: Use the spacing option with the block below.
  • Price: Use the spacing option with the block below.
  • Description: Initial display state



  • Variant picker
  • Quantity & Add to cart : you can choose button type, Show wishlist, Show compare.

  • Product information: Show vendor, Show product code, Show availability status,
    Show category name

  • Free Shipping & Returns: edit Text button, Add page Delivery & Return

2. Main product information

With Main product information, you can congfig:

  • Width layout: Container, Small container, Width full.
  • Display type information:



  • Text align