Product Items

Go to Admin -> Online Store -> Themes -> Customize -> Theme settings -> Product items

Within Product item, you can config:

  • Product item layout: you can choose Layout 1 or Layout 2.

Layout 1:

Layout 2:

  • Hover tittle: Change hover title color or underline.
  • Show wishlist button
  • Show quickview button
  • Show compare button
  • Show add to cart button
  • Text tool tips: for wishlist, quickview, compare.
  • Box shadow item
  • Box border item
  • Hover box border item
  • Item direction :



  • Image ratio: we have 3 option are Adapt to image, Square, Portrait.
  • Border radius image
  • Border radius image
  • Display sale badge:


Text sale:


  • Action buttons style: Circle. Square,
  • Action buttons position: None, Top left, Top right, Top show wish list, Center, Bottom Image, Bottom Content.
  • Add to cart position: Style 1, Style 2, Style 3.
  • Show second image on hover
  • Show second countdown

In addition there is also config content. With Config content, you can config:

  • Content position: Right, Left, Center.
  • Font weight of tittle, price, price compare.
  • Enable min height title
  • Price style: When there’s a comparable price.

Style row:

Style 2 row:

  • Show product rating: When there’s a comparable price.
  • Variant type and Size variants style
  • Color: change color of tittle, description, text button, hover text ……